• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address206 Church Street, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas
Hotel News

Atlantis Casino Business Falling 15% Yearly

ATLANTIS’S casino business is falling “15 per cent year-over-year every year” due to increased competition from many US states, its managing director underscoring the need for the Bahamas to reform its casino gaming laws, while group business for many Bahamian hotels is unlikely to return until “late 2011”.
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Hotel News

New Tax Increases Could Impact Tourism

A FORMER Chamber president yesterday questioned whether the Government could “make the hard decisions” necessary to achieve its key objective of bringing the debt-to-GDP ratio down to 40 per cent in the medium term, and warned it was “in danger of killing the goose that laid the golden egg” through the sharp tax increases on the hotel and auto industry.
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Hotel News

Bahamas Hotels Face Five-Fold Budget Hit

THE BAHAMIAN hotel industry is facing a potential five-fold whammy, with the Government adding to increases in National Insurance Board (NIB) contribution rates, electricity costs and Out Island Promotion Board fees by increasing hotel room/guest taxes from 6 per cent to 10 per cent, along with an $5 increase in departure taxes.
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Hotel News

Prime Minister Unveils New Budget Priorities

* Essential to Move Debt to GDP Out of Danger Zone

* Room Tax and Departure Tax to Increase

* Duty Reduced on Several Energy-Efficient Items

* Ministry of Tourism & Aviation Budget Down Over $2 Million

Delivering a somber message of fiscal constraint, reduced Government expenditures and increases in taxes, Prime Minister The Right Honourable Hubert Ingraham described a series of cost reduction and revenue raising measures today, most which are planned to begin to take effect in July once the new budget is in place.
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Hotel News

US Court Throws Out Lawsuit Against Ginn Developers

A US court has thrown out a lawsuit filed against the developers of the $4.9 billion Ginn sur mer project, in which purchasers who spent between $525,900 and $1.37 million on acquiring real estate parcels had alleged fraudulent conspiracy, on the grounds that the Bahamas was the correct jurisdiction in which a court should hear their complaints.
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