• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas
Hotel News

Reduce Water-Related Costs: Free Workshop & Exhibition

cwwaHotel Water Conservation Workshop & Exhibition Free to Members on Tuesday – 2-4 p.m.

Water-related costs typically account for 15 to 20 percent of a hotel’s utility expenses.   We know from industry audits that much more can be done to stop leakages and improve efficiency.  Next week the Caribbean Water and Wastewater Conference will be held at Atlantis. 

BHA members are invited to special hotel and utilities technical training workshop being conducted by Grundfos, the world’s largest manufacturer of Circulator pumps. 

Continue readingReduce Water-Related Costs: Free Workshop & Exhibition

Hotel News

Grand Isle Resort Offers Honeymoon Packages

grand isleOnce the vows have been exchanged and the wedding bouquet tossed, newlyweds fly off in the direction of their much anticipated honeymoon, which is often a resort in The Bahamas. For those seeking a warm weather, tropical island getaway where every day is a new journey of discovery, Grand Isle Resort & Spa on the out island of Great Exuma is introducing three- and five-night packages that offer the perfect blend of a romantic setting in the “Gem of the Bahamas” and experiences to last a lifetime.
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Hotel News

BHA Golf Tournament – Last Day To Register!

 golf14The Bahamas Hotel Association will be hosting its 14th Annual Golf Tournament
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Ocean Club Golf Course
Paradise Island

We wish to Thank the Following Companies Who Have Sponsored to Date. 

If you’ve not yet sponsored or registered to play and are interested in doing so, please click the links to download the sponsorship and golfer registration forms.

Deadline is Wednesday, October 3rd and we must have your  ‘Verifiable’ handicaps in order for you to be eligible for prizes.

Continue readingBHA Golf Tournament – Last Day To Register!

Hotel News

BHA Offers Online Foreign Language Training

livemochaAs part of its initiatives to assist businesses with tapping into more international markets, the Bahamas Hotel Association and the Bahamas Hotel Association of Human Resource Professionals (BHAHRP), in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism, is offering a low-cost, easy to use foreign language speaking program for front line, supervisory and management staff.

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Hotel News

Follow-Up to BHA Board Meeting

boardmeetMinister of Tourism Outlines Areas of Focus, Provides Members with Comprehensive Vision, Fields Questions

Obie Wilchcombe, MP, spent an hour with members last Thursday providing an overview of his primary areas of focus as he again takes the helm at the Ministry.  He applauded the work of BHA and the Promotion Boards and stressed the importance of building on their public-private partnerships to improve the industry.  Primary areas of focus which he elaborated upon include…
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