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  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas
Hotel News

VAT Legislation Nears Completion

Draft legislation for the proposed value added tax (VAT) should be completed next week and brought to Parliament in the summer.

“We expect to have the draft legislation hopefully by next week and then we will have to go through the whole process of considering it. Our timetable is for it to be laid in Parliament before we break for the summer,” according to Michael Halkitis, minister of state for finance.
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Hotel News

Labour Survey & Hotel Industry Consultations Highlight Critical Issues



Labour survey

The Inter-American Development Bank has released an executive summary presenting the key results of the first comprehensive survey of employers and employment.  The Wage and Productivity Survey 2012 was conducted by the Department of Statistics of The Bahamas with the financial and technical support of the Inter-American Development Bank’s Labor Markets Unit.  It is part of the Labour Market Study that the Inter- American Development Bank is conducting for The Bahamas
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Hotel News

Comments Sought on Draft Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act

In response to recommendations by BHTA, the Chamber of Commerce, and others in recent years to consolidate and improve the various Government support services offered to small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), the Government has drafted the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act.  The Government and BHTA are inviting interested members to review the draft and present any thoughts or recommendations to us by Friday, April 12th.

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Hotel News

BHTA and Industry Gearing Up for Baha Mar Impact

Certificate Courses Now Being Offered

Robert SandsThe Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association has been working with schools and other industry stakeholders on a range of initiatives to prepare the industry and Bahamians for the employment opportunities which will become available throughout the nation as a result of the Baha Mar development.

“We are taking a multi-faceted approach to prepare our people and our industry, recognizing that the scale of the Baha Mar development and their employment needs will impact most businesses throughout The Bahamas, as many existing employees and school graduates gravitate to these new opportunities.  Individuals must be prepared to take advantage of the range of opportunities” states BHTA President Stuart Bowe.

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Hotel News

Minister Halkitis Discusses VAT With BHTA Members

BHTA Task Force Continues to Frame Industry Issues and Initial Recommendations


The Honourable Michael Halkitis, Minister of State for the Ministry of Finance engaged members in a discussion on the proposed Value Added Taxation scheme at BHTA’s April 4th membership meeting.  Members raised a number of questions and concerns, many which are being considered by BHTA’s recently formed Tourism Tax Reform Task Force.   The task force presented its initial questions and concerns to the Ministry at a joint meeting last month with the Financial Secretary and members of the Government’s VAT consultation group.

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