Category: BHA News
Industry Performance and Outlook Survey
The Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association is conducting its annual Industry Performance and Outlook survey.
…A Time to Reflect on Our Gifts
BHTA President’s Holiday Message
In this season of giving, it’s a good time to think about all which we’ve been given, to be grateful, and to continue in the words of Timothy Gibson to ‘pledge to excel’. In the midst of our challenges we must never lose sight of what we’ve accomplished, the opportunities before us, and how truly fortunate we are as individuals, an industry and a nation.
I am pleased to share with you the Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association’s 2013 Annual Activity Report, which was recently presented to members at our Annual General Meeting.
BHTA Holiday Online Auction Goes Live!
BIDDING IS OPEN… click here
BHTA Holiday Auction 2013
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Management Void Facing Business and Government
Leading Global Voice on Succession Planning to Guide Public-Private Stakeholders Forum
Businesses and Government must prepare themselves for unprecedented changes coming to the workforce at the management levels over the next year as a number of major developments undergo massive recruitment campaigns to attract top talent.