• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas
Hotel News

Caribbean Flights To Be Taxed Same As U.S.

The Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association (CHTA) is celebrating the announcement by British Chancellor George Osborne which reforms the United Kingdom’s current four-band system for the Air Passenger Duty (APD) to a two-band system.  Under the new two-band system all long-haul flights (over 4,000 miles) will be moved into band B, which means UK customers traveling to the Caribbean will pay the same tax as if they were traveling to the United States.  The change is expected to take place April 1, 2015

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Hotel News

Tax Policies Must Protect Tourism

Stuart BoweFollow the dollar multiplier and it’s clear that ‘Tourism is everybody’s business’.  More than 50 cents out of each dollar in every Bahamian’s pocket came from a tourist.

Whether you are working at the front desk in a hotel, operating a hair salon in the city, selling cars in the community, a nurse at a Family Island public clinic, a linesman for BEC, an independent business owner, or a cashier in a grocery store; more than half of that dollar in your pocket came from a tourist.
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Hotel News

BHTA: Governor’s Comments Shows Need For ‘Great Caution’ On VAT

Concerns about value-added tax (VAT) expressed by Barbados Central Bank Governor Delisle Worrell underscore the importance of approaching VAT or any tax reform “with great caution and the value of broad public and private sector stakeholder collaboration and buy-in up-front,” according to the Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association.
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