• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas
Hotel News

16th Annual ‘Trick or Tee’ Golf Tournament A Success

Sunday, October 5th 2014; The Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association saw approximately 100 fers Tee Off at the prestigious Ocean Club Golf Course at the BHTA’s 16th Annual Golf Tournament. Over twenty (20)  Corporate Sponsors donated almost $ 50,000 in cash and prizes in of support BHTA’s Workforce Development initiatives and Scholarship Programs. The scholarships help to prepare and educate young Bahamians on the many options in the dynamic Bahamian Tourism Industry.

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Hotel News

Tourism Stakeholders Prepare For VAT

·         Attendees at Oct 2 BHTA Meeting Briefed on VAT Basics, Readiness, and Pre-Registration
·         Financial Secretary John Rolle Addresses Key Tourism Industry Concerns; Later Clarifies How VAT Pricing Can Work for Marketing Purposes
·         BHTA Steps Up Readiness Activities along with Ministry of Finance and Bahamas Chamber

With the implementation of Value Added Tax less than three months away, tourism industry businesses are stepping up their readiness activities as the Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association works closely with the Ministry of Finance and industry stakeholders to prepare businesses for the transition.
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Hotel News

Educators Participate in 11th Annual Industry Internship

The Bahamas Hotel & Tourism Association (BHTA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MOEST), the Ministry of Tourism (MOT) and The College of The Bahamas’ Culinary & Hospitality Management Institute (CHMI) hosted the 11th Annual Educators’ Industry Internship Programme this summer. The Honourable Jerome Fitzgerald, Minister of Education, Science and Technology addressed the eighty (80) participants during the closing ceremony, under the theme, “Teachers Meeting the Challenge to Bring about the Change”.
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Hotel News

CHTA Education Foundation Awards $50,000 In Scholarships To 10 Bahamian Students

The Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association Education Foundation (CHTAEF) has awarded US$50,000 in scholarships to 10 Bahamian students pursuing a higher education or professional development in hospitality and tourism after receiving more than 60 applications.  In total, CHTAEF awarded US$136,308 in scholarships to 29 Caribbean nationals. …Continue readingCHTA Education Foundation Awards $50,000 In Scholarships To 10 Bahamian Students

Hotel News

BHTA President Urges Businesses to Plan Now for VAT Implementation

With the Government’s VAT implementation date set for January 1, 2015, BHTA President Stuart Bowe urges businesses to begin planning as much as they possibly can now to avoid costly delays and transition challenges.

“We continue to deliberate with Government to release the draft legislation, regulations, customs duty schedules and guide notes well in advance of January 1. Businesses should not sit back and wait for these items to be in place.  We encourage all stakeholders to utilize this time to gain more knowledgeable on VAT and to plan for its implementation wherever possible” states Bowe.
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