Category: BHA News
Bahamas Travel Requirements
View these infographics from The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Aviation, for detailed information on current Bahamas travel requirements.
Tourism Readiness Plan Underway
The Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association (BHTA) and The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism are working alongside public and private sector partners including The Nassau Paradise Island Promotion Board (NPIPB), Paradise Island Tourism Development Association (PITDA), Bahama Out Islands Promotion Board (BOIPB), Grand Bahama Island Tourism Board (GBITB), Nassau Airport Development Company (NAD), Nassau Cruise Ports, Association of Bahamas Marinas, Hutchison Ports Bahamas (Grand Bahama Airport Co., Freeport Harbour Co., and Freeport Container Port) and The Bahamas Ministry of Health (BMOH) to create and propose a “Bahamas Tourism Readiness and Recovery Plan for Re-entry into the Tourism Market”.
Perception of safety critical to tourism sector rebound
Peter Yesawich, vice-chairman emeritus of MMGY Global, suggested yesterday that there will likely be a ‘hesitation’ in US leisure travel through the summer and into the fall.