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  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas
Hotel News

Tourism Suffering Despite Promos and Incentives

Earnest efforts and promotions to attract visitors to countries in the Caribbean region, including the Bahamas, have so far failed in bringing the number of tourists to our shores to match last year’s numbers, Prime Minister Ingraham revealed.

Speaking at the Regional Forum on the Occasion of the Inter-American Development Bank’s 50th Anniversary in Port-au-Prince, Haiti on Friday, Mr Ingraham said that despite serious discounting and other incentives offered in the travel and hotel deals, occupancy levels remain well below those achieved last year by all of the Caribbean tourism economies.

And on the employment front, he said, to date the economic downturn has resulted in 2,200 lay-offs in the Bahamas’ hotel sector, which amounts to one per cent of the country’s entire work force.

Mr Ingraham said that the Bahamas was one of the first countries in the region to feel the effects of the slowing global economy.
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Hotel News

Gov’t Yet to Empower New Hotel Legislation

It’s unclear what if any new resources the Ministry of Tourism will throw at its Hotel Licensing Unit in an effort to bring as many as 1,000 second homeowners — now treating their properties like hotels — into compliance with the new law. In fact, the department’s head tells Guardian Business the government will be largely dependent on the honesty of those proprietors to win what could be millions of dollars in revenue.
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Hotel News

What Can the Caribbean Do About the Recession?

How should Caribbean governments seek to support tourism during a global recession?

At a time of diminishing national reserves, this is a question set to haunt the industry, governments and the region as a whole, if, as seems probable, both public revenues and visitor arrivals continue to decline.

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