• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address206 Church Street, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas
Hotel News

Updates On Irene, Flight Changes, Emergency Shelters…

Latest Models Show Irene Moving Slightly East….Still Forecast as Major Storm
Hurricane Warning in Effect for All Bahamas

Updates on flight changes, plus a listing of NEMA’s emergency locations for all islands. The US Embassy has asked for assistance in registering American citizens. Also, included is the Meteorological Department’s latest report…


Continue readingUpdates On Irene, Flight Changes, Emergency Shelters…

Hotel News

Industry Alert On Irene

Irene Projected to Be Major Storm Impacting Most Islands
Ministry of Tourism and BHA Call for Voluntary Evacuation of Visitors

With the latest forecasts by the Bahamas Meteorological Department and the US National Hurricane Center showing Hurricane Irene as a strong Category 2 and Category 3 storm as it moves across the entire Bahamas, BHA and the Ministry of Tourism are calling on hotels to advise guests to consider leaving The Bahamas as early as possible.

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Hotel News

Irene Likely to Impact Entire Bahamas

IreneBahamas Dept of Meteorology Issues Watch for Central Bahamas, Warning for Southeast Islands

All interests in The Bahamas should be closely monitoring Hurricane Irene, with most computer models now projecting it to cover the entire archipelago beginning in the south later Tuesday and to Friday when it leaves the northern islands likely as a category two storm.  
Continue readingIrene Likely to Impact Entire Bahamas

Hotel News

Business Energy-Efficiency Survey

The high cost of utilities and reliability continue to be a major concern for businesses.  This has prompted many businesses to look at more ways to contain these costs.

The Bahamas Hotel Association and the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers Confederation are undertaking a survey to assess the extent to which businesses are implementing practices and utilizing products which help to save energy.

Continue readingBusiness Energy-Efficiency Survey

Hotel News

13th Annual BHA Golf Tournament

Bahamas Hotel Association’s 13th Annual Golf Tournament –
Supporting BHA’s Education and Training Initiatives

On Sunday, October 9th, BHA will be holding its 13th Annual Golf Tournament fundraiser at the Ocean Club Golf Course.

Thanks to the great support of our members and friends, over the past eight years The Bahamas Hotel Association (BHA) has been able to assist with awarding 81 tourism-related scholarships valued at over $287,000 to Bahamian students.  This includes 12 this year worth $65,000. 

Continue reading13th Annual BHA Golf Tournament

Hotel News

BHA Accounting Needs Assessment Survey

With the introduction of e-commerce by the Government and plans to accelerate a range of online filing procedures (taxes, business license fees, etc.) it becomes even more important that businesses maintain sound accounts and reporting procedures.  

Based on the level of demand as indicated from this survey, the Bahamas Hotel Association plans to offer accounting-related and Government E-Commerce training to hotels and tourism-related businesses.  In order to tailor training based on areas of greatest need and interest, we would like your feedback.

Continue readingBHA Accounting Needs Assessment Survey