• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address206 Church Street, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

Appeal To Hotels & Businesses To Help Haiti

Bahamas Hotels and Businesses Requested to Support Haiti Relief…

We are encouraged that several Bahamas hotels have already committed support, despite the difficult times our industry is experiencing. The Bahamas Red Cross is launching its appeal for funds and non-perishables items.  Specifically, hotels are being asked to donate cash or the following items: Mattresses, Bedding material: blankets, sheets, comforters, pillows and cases, Towels.

Items can be delivered to the attention of Mrs. Carolyn Turnquest, Director General or Viola Heastie-Knowles, Secretary and should specify that they are for Haiti relief.

The contacts are:
242-323-7370, or e-mail: redcross@bahamas.net.bs

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