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Business Outlook: January 14, 2010

Speakers who have confirmed their participation are:Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace, minister of tourism and aviation; Khaalis Rolle, president, Bahamas Chamber of Commerce; Dr Jonathan Rodgers, ophthalmologist and businessman; Simon Townend, partner, KPMG; Algernon Cargill, director, National Insurance Board; Dr Nelson Clarke, psychiatrist; Wendy Warren, chief executive and executive director, Bahamas Financial Services Board (BFSB); Usman Saadat, director of policy and regulation, URCA; Dr Ian Strachan, associate professor of English, College of the Bahamas; and a panel discussion on the sustainability of the arts and entertainment sector with Scharad Lightbourne, photographer; Allan P. Wallace, artist, and Terneille Burrows, recording artist.

Joan Albury, president or organizers TCL Group, said: “Senator Vanderpool-Wallace, as leader in Bahamas tourism, will discuss the principal revenue earner of the country.

“The financial sector will be covered by Simon Townend and Wendy Warren, both noted experts in their field.

“As to be expected, the Chamber of Commerce president will represent the interests of the commercial sector primarily.

“Dr Jonathan Rodgers is back by popular demand.

“He really made a hit last year with an interesting and very daring presentation on economic and social conditions and related causes.

“As a highly-respected psychiatrist, Dr Nelson Clarke is always in demand as a speaker.

“Never before has there been a greater need for his input, given the great psychological impact the recession has had on Bahamians, given the increasing rate of job and business losses.”

Mrs Albury added: “We are expecting a really exciting presentation from Dr Ian Strachan, who is an academic and an author, playwright, poet who is the “My Bahamas” presenter this year. As his radio show and public appearances have shown, he is fearless in confronting national issues.

“We will also receive an update from the National Insurance Board’s managing director, Algernon Cargill, who will inform us about NIB’s plans to introduce a Chronic Disease Prescription Drug Plan, among other initiatives. Also, for the first time we will hear from Usman Saadat, URCA’s director of policy and regulation. Mr Saadat possesses a wealth of consulting experience in global telecoms regulation and competitive strategy, and with the imminent privatisation of BTC he will provide insight into what we should expect in an increasingly liberalized communications environment.

As for the panel on the economic potential of the arts and entertainment sector, Mrs Albury said: “We’re truly pleased to introduce the new panel on arts and entertainment. We are convinced that the cultural sector is the new growth sector, and has an enormous potential to employ thousands of Bahamians and spawn valuable and much-needed entrepreneurship. The panelists are growing from strength to strength, as artists with growing businesses and recognition in their respective fields.”

Registration for Bahamas Business Outlook may be made on-line at
www.tclevents.com, or by calling Eileen Fielder at 322-7505

Source: The Tribune

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