• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

Tourism & Culinary Scholarships Now Available

Applications are now being accepted for scholarships thru the Industry Partners Patrick S. Bain Scholarship Fund (to COB), the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association Education Foundation, and the Caribbean Tourism Organization Scholarship Foundation.  Details and links are below.  Please share with employees, students and others who may be interested.

Students interested in pursuing studies in tourism and culinary-related fields are invited to submit applications for scholarships being offered to Bahamians to attend the College of The Bahamas Culinary and Hospitality Management Institute (CHMI), through the Patrick S.G. Bain BHA-BHEA-BHC&AWU Hotel Industry Partners Scholarship Fund. 

Jointly funded by the Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association and the Bahamas Hotel Employers Association, the scholarships are being offered in the name of the respective organizations and in tribute to the late union leader Pat Bain, in recognition of his commitment to education and building business-labour partnerships. 

The application process is open until April 26th and awards will be announced by June 30th.  Criteria and forms for new scholarships and renewals can be downloaded directly from the Scholarships Section of BHTA’s website at Scholarships. 

The Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association Education Foundation is accepting Scholarship Applications for Students, Employees and Educators for their 2013 Awards.  Details for securing applications and criteria.   Application deadline is March 30th, 2013.


The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) Scholarship Foundation is accepting applications for scholarships and study grants from Caribbean nationals in CTO member countries. The main aim of the CTO Foundation is to provide opportunities for Caribbean nationals to pursue studies in the areas of tourism, hospitality and language training.

The Foundation selects individuals who demonstrate high levels of achievement and leadership both within and outside the classroom and who express a strong interest in making a positive contribution to Caribbean tourism.

Details for securing applications and criteria.

Scholarships Deadline for applications – April 15, 2013