• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

Fostering A Connection Between Environment and Tourism

Thanks to the support of a number of our members, over the past three years nearly 100 Bahamian youth attended the Bahamas National Trust’s Environmental Youth Camp, a week-long program in Andros made possible with support from the Andros Nature Conservancy and Trust, the Bahamas Hotel Association, the Ministry of Tourism’s Coastal Awareness Committee, and the Forfar Field Station.   We wish to especially thank the camp’s major corporate sponsors from the beginning:  Kerzner International; the Lyford Cay Club; Lindroth Development (Schooner Bay); and Bahamas Ferries.
This year’s camp is schedule between August 4th and 11th in Andros.  We invite you to support this investment in our industry’s important resources; our environment and our youth.  To learn more about the camp and what it’s doing for students, we invite you to take a few minutes to view a brief video.
The video shows firsthand the value of the camp experience — creating advocates for environmental stewardship and sustainable living practices, while broadening youth’s knowledge of natural resource management strategies, environmental careers, and the interplay between tourism and the environment.
Thus far there are 24 students registered for the camp from throughout The Bahamas.  Any level of contribution no matter how small would be appreciated.  It costs $500 per student to attend the camp.  BNT is looking for cash and/or donation of supplies as well as support for airfare and accommodations for one night, August 3rd, for those students who are coming from the Family Islands.  This pledge form also lists needed supplies.  Your check should be made payable to Bahamas National Trust, and designated to the Bahamas Environmental Youth Program.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Frank Comito or Eric Carey, whose contact info is listed on the pledge form.  We hope that you are able to provide a measure of support as we support BNT as they continue to build on this exciting program.