• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

The Marina Operators Of The Bahamas Builds On Success, Charts Future

To date the MOB represents 59 marinas of the 76 licensed marinas in The Bahamas.  With a mandate to represent the needs and interests of the marina industry, high on the agenda of the association is building and supporting the marketing efforts of The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, and Promotion Boards. Some of the other accomplishments of the MOB include a establishing a strategic development plan for sector which encompasses the environment’s vitality, workforce development needs, as well as recommendations in standards, certification and legislation to support the industry’s sustainable growth.
“Participants should come prepared to be engaged, as we will have open discussions with a cross section of business in our community; from insurance providers and financial institutions to various government agencies.  In particular our partners from the Ministry of Tourism will update us on new initiatives and strategies fundamental to the support of our industry. Most of all, we are delighted to have our Minister of Tourism, The Honourable Obie Wilchcombe be our keynote speaker during our lunch session.”
The MOB was established just over three years ago by the Bahamas Hotel Association with support from a grant from the Inter-American Development Bank.  BHA and the Ministry of Tourism have continued to support its development, recognizing the importance of the marina sector to tourism overall and the tremendous opportunity for growth.
The workshop is open to the public and registration ongoing. For further details about the MOB and workshop, contact Shamine Johnson at MOB at bahamashotels.org  or by phone (242) 322-8381 in Nassau and (242) 352-7849 in Freeport.