• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

Over 140 Educators Intern This Summer In The Hotel And Tourism Industry

Since 2004, over 800 educators from throughout The Bahamas have taken a week out of their summer vacation to learn about the tourism industry, its many job and career opportunities, and the readiness skills required to enter and succeed in the industry.  This year, approximately 140 participants inclusive of Educators, Guidance Counselors, and MOE subject specialists will learn about the career diversity available in tourism and better understand how to prepare young people to take advantage of those opportunities.
The theme for this year program is “THE STATLER STANDARDS – CLASSIC SERVICE BASICS” and will take place June 25 – 29 in New Providence and August 20 – 24 in Grand Bahama.
Commenting on the impact of the program, BHA President Stuart Bowe states: “We are pleased to say that the program is having a lasting impact.  With the new learning approaches, a growing number of educators are exposing young people to certification programs, careers, and post-secondary opportunities in tourism.  Additionally, lessons are being delivered which have greater relevance to our industry.  New curricula has been developed in the Anglican schools and soon to be rolled out in our nation’s public schools.  Over 1,400 students at all grade levels are now participating in our Junior Hotelier program! More and more young people are looking to the hospitality industry as a viable career option.  Indeed, we are making incremental progress.”
The educators will spend nearly two days in professional development workshops and sessions offered by the industry and three days of practical experience.  At this year’s closing workshop they will be provided greater insight  to the industry by Nettica Symonette, owner of Nettie’s Heritage Village and Casaurinas of Cable Beach; a pioneer hotelier.
Bowe adds, “We are thrilled to create more partnerships that strengthen and build on the relationships with the Ministries and educators throughout The Bahamas.  Educators are an integral and essential part of our industry, touching and influencing our future employees in profound ways.  We are motivated and inspired by them for volunteering their time this summer to better understand our industry, enabling them to better prepare our young people for the countless jobs, careers, and entrepreneurial opportunities it offers.”
Eleven businesses will provide onsite internship experiences.  These include:  BahamasAir,  the Lyford Cay Club, Comfort Suites PI,  the Wyndham Nassau Resort,  Atlantis,  Stuarts Cove’s,  Superclubs Breezes, Nassau Palm Resort,  Zamar Productions,  Majestic Tours and  Sandals Royal Bahamian.