• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

BHTA Congratulates John Watlings On New Endeavour

John Watling’s was “designated as an ‘Essential Service’ to facilitate the start-up, manufacture, bottling and distribution of Bahamian made ‘Hand Sanitizer’”, by the Ministry of Health on April 13.

“…This does not mean we have stopped making our John Watling’s rums, Red Turtle vodka and Gun Cay rums, it just means we have an additional priority,” said Mr Portuondo.

In addition to alcohol from John Watling’s Distillery, hydrogen peroxide was sourced locally through Eugene Cartwright, 8oz. or 275ml bottles through A.R.M. Bottling & Supplies.

“What has become obvious is The Bahamas needs to become more independent,” said Pepin Argamasilla, co-founder of the Distillery. “While most ingredients were found on-island, glycerine was difficult to find. We are actively seeking local glycerine producers.”

Jose Portuondo thanked work completed by Bahamas Customs and Tropix Shipping for delivering the glycerine imported from the United States in record time.

Further recognition and thanks in assisting with this project go to Robert Carron, Craig Symonette, Rupert Roberts Jr., Suzanne Pattusch (Bahamas Hotel & Tourism Association), Bryan Russell, Andrew Mcfall, Margot Barnett, Christopher Lightbourn, Alex Paine, Esther Neilly, Lil Sam, and the dedicated production staff from John Watling’s Distillery.

The first 500 bottles of the distillery’s hand sanitizer will be delivered to the Princess Margaret Hospital; 250 bottles to the Department of Social Services for distribution to facilities housing the elderly and 250 bottles to the office of the Prime Minister.

Distribution to grocery stores, pharmacies, clinics, and hospitals will be coordinated through Bahamas Medical & Surgical Supplies Limited or through 242-328-5057 |info@bahamasmed.com.

The Tribune
April 16, 2020

Caption: Health Minister Dr Duane Sands tries out the hand sani zer being developed by John Watling’s Distillery.
Photos: Terrel W Carey Sr/Tribune staff