• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

BHTA President’s Message On the COVID-19

Many of you would have heard the speech by the Most Hon. Prime Minister last evening (copy attached), in which he advised that he and his Cabinet will be doing everything they can to support the tourism sector, in the face of declining demand for travel globally right now.

The BHTA will continue to inform you of pertinent developments re the COVID – 19 virus as and when possible, and will provide information to help guide you in your business decisions and operations once they are made available by the respective government representatives.

We know, indisputably that this nation is  resourceful and resilient, we have witnessed countless examples of community spirit, camaraderie, kindness, solidarity, resilience and tenacity. These characteristics, which are abundant in our people, will help steer us through these unchartered waters, and we will emerge intact, eager and ready to get back to our way of life. We will achieve this end, if we work collectively, calmly, together.

Best regards.

Carlton Russell
Bahamas Hotel & Tourism Association