• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

BHTA Working Remotely

Further to the earlier communication to members from President of the BHTA, Mr. Carlton Russell, may I take this opportunity to express my sincere well wishes to you and your loved ones.

Suffice to say, what we are experiencing today with the COVID 19 pandemic is a global phenomenon we have never “seen” before.

May we never experience anything of its ilk again.

The BHTA continues working on behalf of our Members. Our office at Fort Nassau is closed in accordance with the recently released updated Order; we are operating remotely.  Please know, we are here for you; to field  comments and questions; and/or to connect you with relevant resources who are equipped to respond to inquiries and provide further insight as needed. Keeping informed is KEY. Communication is KEY. Social Distancing is Survival.  

We implore fellow industry colleagues, employees and employers; please do your part in ensuring Social Distancing is our New Norm For Now.

As indicated, the BHTA serves on the Prime Minister’s National COVID -19 Co-ordination Committee (NCCC); we are actively engaged with fellow committee members who are working ardently to best  achieve our mandate for the betterment of the entire Bahamas.

The BHTA will continue to disseminate pertinent qualified information received by and through the respective authorities, including The Office of The Prime Minister, The NCCC, and authorized government agencies and ministries.

The BHTA will endeavor to represent industry; to the best of our ability; providing feedback and recommendations regarding how we can collaboratively navigate the fiscal fallout resulting from the COVID crisis, until the pandemic abates, and people emerge from the confines of their homes; to seek out open spaces; an ocean view, a blissful beach, a welcoming smile; all of which The Bahamas has in abundance!

Suzanne Pattusch
Executive Vice President
Bahamas Hotel & Tourism Association