• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

Holiday Auction

To be most effective, a non-profit, private sector-led organization like the BHTA has to rely on the support of its key stakeholders.  We invite your support of our efforts by helping to ensure the success of our Auction. Your support will be publicized though our various public relations activities for the event. 

Immediately following our Annual General Meeting, the auction will move online for the public
(Tuesday. December 10 – Tuesday, December 17). 

You will be notified when the auction is available online for one week, so you can have an opportunity to participate. This charity event has become a ‘one stop shop’ for holiday gifts.

Thanks to the support we have received over many years, Bahamian students pursuing careers in tourism have been awarded scholarships to study at the now University of The Bahamas as well as students being exposed to our Workforce Development Initiatives.  These are investments which we believe will yield long-term dividends.

Should you wish to ensure the success of our auction, a donation form is attached, which we ask you to complete and return to Latasha Allen to have your donation included in the auction booklet.

On behalf of our President, Executive Committee, Board of Directors, Partners, Staff and Beneficiaries, thank you for your favorable consideration and we assure you of our continued support towards our mutual success.