• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

Mission Statement


The Bahamas Hotel & Tourism Association (BHTA) serves the needs of the Bahamas hotel industry by providing a forum to facilitate the promotion, profitability, quality growth and security of the tourism industry consistent with the needs of The Bahamas.

Key Goals – Strategic Plan

The BHTA’s Strategic Plan calls for Profitability, Quality and Sustainability…

1. Advocacy: To be the leading unified advocacy voice for Bahamian tourism.

2. Tourism Advancement and Protection: To address and make immediate impact on industry needs in the areas of workforce development, sustainable development, crime prevention and any industry-related issue that directly or indirectly affects the hotel industry.

3. Workforce Development: To be the leading resource for industry-related education and training by identifying industry educational and training needs and strengthen BHA’s and partners’ training, certification and standards programs.

4. Membership Recruitment: To increase membership with prospective members who wish to proactively support the tourism industry.

5. Membership Support Services: To effectively guide BHA members toward maximizing their business yields and customer satisfaction through relevant services and programs.

6. National Destination Marketing: To significantly support the strengthening ofThe Bahamas as the destination of choice.

Meet our Executive Board