• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

BHTA Calls For Collective Approach On Issues Of Concern

We fully appreciate the impact a crime warning has on any jurisdiction and will continue to engage with partners in both the private and public sector, The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and US officials including the US Embassy, to address issues of concern.

The collaborative efforts of partner organizations such as the US Embassy; The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, The Royal Bahamas Police Force, NEMA, The Red Cross, The Bahamas Defense Force, The Bahamas Ministry of Health; Nassau Airport Development Company, The Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association and Promotion Board partners have reaped positive results in the face of past challenges including the threat and impact of hurricanes which affected the US, Caribbean and The Bahamas. It is precisely this type of collective approach to common issues which will see a mitigation if not elimination of public communication such as that which was recently released by the US Embassy.