• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

Attention BHTA Hotel Members

In keeping with the 2018/19 BUDGET COMMUNICATION, presented to the Honourable House of Assembly By The Hon. K. Peter Turnquest, M.P., Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, on Wednesday, 30th May 2018; as of January 2019, The Business License Tax of .75% is applicable for hotels with over 10 rooms.

Please note prior to 2019; where hotels’ gross turnover exceeded 5 Million the past percentage Business License rate was 1.25 %, it is now .75%, therefore as of 2019, a savings of .5% is applicable to those hotels who fall in the below referenced category.

If you have uploaded all requisite documents,  fall within the stated parameters, and are having any issues with attaining the applicable rate of .75% rate please contact: DEXTER FERNANDER via email @ DEXTERFERNANDER@BAHAMAS.GOV.BS.

If you already paid your business license at the rate of 1.25% and are eligible for the reduced rate of 7.5%, it is our understanding from Inland Revenue, that you may request a refund of the amount or have the funds reallocated for future VAT filing.  Please contact Mr. Dexter Fernander by way of the email provided and/or speak to your Department of Inland Revenue representative.