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Bannister Briefs Tourism Chiefs On Power Plans

Minister Bannister provided attendees with an insight into the “short, medium and long-term goals to address the cost and reliability of electricity and other important infrastructure improvement plans for The Bahamas”.

Among those at the event were Minister of Tourism and Aviation Dionisio D’Aguilar, Joy Jibrilu, Director General, Ministry of Tourism, Carlton Russell, President of the Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association, BHTA Executive Committee Members and a number of top tourism executive.

In addition to the Mr Bannister’s address, members of the National Culinary Team; Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association and Pat Bain scholarship recipients were honoured by the BHTA and The Ministry of Tourism.

Minister D’Aguilar presented plaques to the talented youth alongside President of the BHTA, Carlton Russell, and offered words of praise and encouragement to the young Bahamians.

Published in The Tribune
August 8, 2018