• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

Blanche Sears – May 2017

May 2017

Blanche Sears
Assistant Manager/Owner Services
Harbourside Resort

1.    Can you briefly describe your experience in the tourism sector and what your role is today?

Tourism is an ever changing industry.  In order to remain as one of the most desired destinations we must continuously revisit our product to ensure that we capture the attention of the avid traveler.  That’s one of the things that keep me grounded and excited to do what I do best.  There are many roles to play in this industry so I choose Customer Service/Quality Assurance.  Quite frankly, it’s an easy task to perform my job so effortlessly; maybe it’s due to my infectious charisma, smile and attitude which is transmitted to my Guests whenever I come in contact with them.  Or it could be my tireless determination to provide Guest Satisfaction before, during and after their stay.  Good, bad or indifferent, I will love my career, and will do it over and over again, Bring it on!!

2.    Why did you choose to work in tourism as a career?

From a very young and innocent age, I began to know myself as a humble and passive person.  Therefore, through the years I found myself leaning towards helping people the best way I can, saying no was a very hard thing to do.  Even when I had the courage to say ‘no’ everyone still knew an “ok, sure” was just around the corner.  When the time came to make a career choice it was very easy.  Serving and helping people is what I do best – and here I am today!  Loving every moment of it.

3.    What has been your most memorable moment?

Honestly, after more than 20 years in the Tourism business there are too many good memories to just name one.  I am truly blessed and appreciative to have met so many interesting people.  By far, over the years a  great number of my Guests became good friends or part of my family.  That is what great memories are built from, caring, sharing and spending time with such wonderful people I hold so dearly to me.  I am ever so indebted to have been given the opportunity to impact so many lives and in return capture those unforgettable moments that I will cherish forever.

4.    Has the industry changed since you started your career? How?

Yes, sadly I have seen a decline within our industry.  It is my belief that it all started when individuals decided they wanted a job and not a career in the industry.  Our forefathers made this business successful with their blood, sweat and tears.  They held their jobs sacred and dear to their hearts, pride was their corner stone and satisfaction was the end goal.  Not forgetting that their word was their bond.  Indulge me for a moment as I tell you a quick story.   My mom always shared with her children her days working at the Victoria, Balmoral & British Colonial Hotels as a Housekeeper and Waitress.  She always wanted to impress her Guests when they walked in their rooms on arrival.  In preparation, (outside of the normal criteria), she would re-iron the sheets, leave a local flower on the bed and bath and added a few more personal touches which allowed her to speak to when she interacted with her Guests.  And hence both blossomed the beginning of beautiful friendship.  She would literally ‘go hunting’ for her supervisor to inspect her rooms because she aimed for perfection and was happy in doing so.  Her love for the business showed in her daily routine.  I guess the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.  I yearn for the days to see Bahamians working together with love and unity, pure hearts and smiling faces in an effort to return this industry to its rightful place amongst the leading destinations in the World.

5.    What should The Bahamas focus on to stay competitive?

Service, service, service – As we all should be aware, our mantra ‘Sun, Sand and Sea’ placed us on the Tourism map many moons ago, since then there has been numerous destinations around the globe who possess those same attributes.  In my opinion, the link that has kept us competitive is the ‘warmth and friendliness of the Bahamian people’.  Trust me, I hear this beautiful tune play over and over in my head each week through Customer feedback.  It’s humbling to be a part of a Guest’s vacation experience which keeps them coming back year after year.  Maybe it’s time to add a tiny spark to our mantra and reintroduce ourselves to the World as The Bahamas, a land filled will Service, Sun, Sand and Sea.   If we all play our roles more effectively, we can be the change we want to see.  Together, we all can make the difference.  

6.    What advice would you give to a young person who is considering a career in tourism?

Speaking from the heart, I am a Tourism ambassador and would definitely encourage anyone to seek a career in Hospitality; it’s simply awesome!  I can sit and tell you stories all day about the Tourism business but the passion that dwells within must be explored for true appreciation.  Therefore, I invite you tap into In this business, each day is another opportunity to make our Guests stay exceptional.  I implore you to Invest in your yourself, invest in your Country and I am certain it will be beneficial not only for yourself but our Guests alike.