• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

BHTA Collaborates With Ministries To Educate On VAT

Readiness sessions on Nassau and Grand Bahama for the tourism industry over the past several weeks have attracted nearly 300 participants.

Subsequent sessions are planned throughout the Family Islands, with the Ministry of Finance providing educators and training material and the BHTA and Ministry of Tourism facilitating the roll out of the readiness sessions.

Sessions held thus far have been successful as attendees are given training on everything from VAT basics to a heightened understanding, which incorporates aspects of VAT which are specific and impactful to the Tourism Sector, such as price packaging to wholesalers and online travel agencies, Marketing and dealing with transitional considerations. The sessions have been well received, with many businesses calling for the commencement of workshops in their locations.

Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association

Caption: Pictured above: Keith Worrell, from the Ministry of Finance’s VAT implementation Unit, speaking to participants at a BHTA facilitated VAT workshop held at the Grand Lucayan, in Grand Bahama.