• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

BHTA’s 16th Annual Golf Tournament – You’re Invited!

Not only will you be golfing for a great cause; the tournament is expected to be especially fun this year, with corporate sponsors dressing up golf carts in corporate gear, and decorating their “own hole”;  providing putters with company paraphernalia, fun products, food and delicious beverages! In addition to the “Trick or Tee bags” to be filled with corporate goodies;  golfers will be able to take their best shot at winning a $9,000.00 Golf Trip to Ireland for 2, and many other fun and creative prizes!

If your company would like to be a Corporate Sponsor, please sign up to join your corporate team, or simply come with a partner and play for the day!

Special Thanks to our Sponsors last year who are listed on the flyer; we couldn’t have done it without you!

Registration Form

Sponsor Form