• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

Baha Mar Hosts Educators On Tour Of Site

The workshop, attended by more than 100 teachers and guidance counselors from schools throughout The Bahamas, was part of a day at Baha Mar, which also consisted of a tour of the luxury resort’s construction site.

The seminar was also attended by notable figures in the hospitality industry such as Frank Comito, BHTA executive vice president, and Robert Sands, senior V.P. of administration and external affairs at Baha Mar.

During the event, Baha Mar Training and Academy representatives spoke to attendees about the importance of soft skills training and the effect of positive attitudes in the workplace.

The educators also shared information about non-traditional career paths within the hospitality industry

as well as the high standards of today’s global travelers, expected to be typical guests at Baha Mar once the resort opens.

“The Educators’ Industry Internship workshop is a great opportunity to provide teachers and guidance counselors with the tools to prepare Bahamian students for not just productive careers at Baha Mar, but also for productive and fulfilling lives,” said Kristin Wells, director of Baha Mar Training and Academy.