• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

COB Culinary and Hospitality Management Institute Key Vacancies

Executive Director, Culinary and Hospitality Management Institute
The Executive Director serves as chief academic and stakeholder liaison officer for the Culinary and Hospitality Management Institute, (CHMI) providing vision, leadership, management and advocacy for tourism, hospitality and culinary arts, its programmes, faculty and staff within The College of The Bahamas.

Director of Industry Training
The Director of Industry Training serves as COB/CHMI’s liaison with Hospitality and Tourism Organizations and education and training institutions in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.  The Director works closely with industry to identify training needs to fill special needs and skills gaps within the industry. 

They are a key link between feeder institutions, including high school tourism and hospitality programs and the National Skills Training Agency. 

The Director is considered to be an Ambassador for tourism, hospitality and culinary arts and works to enhance the image of the sector at all levels, through ongoing consultation with industry partners and other stakeholders.

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