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2013 BHTA Executive Team

BHTA Elects New Team

Bowe cautioned however, “Our industry remains challenged on account of the sluggish US economy and pressure on many international economies”.

Tourism Minster Obie Wilchcombe, who joined members at the meeting, emphasized the importance of a broader commitment to providing exceptional service.  “Service begins before the visitor leaves home.  We need a cooperative effort with all stakeholders to deliver on our promise that ‘It’s Better in The Bahamas’’, stated the Minister.

President Bowe indicated this would be a priority partnership issue with the Ministry for BHTA in 2013.

Elections were held  at the meeting with several members re-elected to their positions.  Stuart Bowe, Senior Vice President for Kerzner International, will continue as President.  Peter Maguire from the Lyford Cay Club, continues in his post as Treasurer.  Shavonne Darville, owner-operator of Gems@Paradise on Long Island, was re-elected Vice President for the Out Islands; and Magnus Alnebeck, General Manager for Pelican Bay, continues as Vice President for Grand Bahama.  BHTA Executive Vice President Frank Comito was re-elected as Corporate Secretary.

New members elected to the Executive Committee include Sheraton Nassau Beach General Manager Glenn Sampert, who will serve as Senior Vice President.  Patrick Drake, General Manager for Sandals Royal Bahamian was elected Vice President for Nassau-Paradise Island.

For the first time in the organization’s history BHTA’s allied members elected a Vice President to represent their interests on the governing body.  Vernice Walkine, Nassau Airport Development Company Vice President for Marketing and Communications, will serve in that post.   Members amended the organization’s Articles earlier this year to elevate the Allied position, a strategic move tied to the renaming of the BHTA and the broadening of the organization’s mandate.

Past President Robert ‘Sandy’ Sands will continue to serve on the leadership team in his capacity as Immediate Past President.

President Bowe thanked members and announced two returning appointments to the Executive Committee.  Beverly Saunders, Vice President for Training at Kerzner International will return as the organization’s Chairperson for Workforce Development activities.  Hotelier Nina Maynard, owner-operator for the Corner Hotel, continues to represent the small hotel interests on the Executive Committee.

“I want to thank the members of the 2012 Executive Committee for their service to the industry and our organization, and commend our partners that contribute to the ongoing improvements in our industry,” stated President Bowe.

At the meeting, BHTA released its 2012 Annual Activity Report highlighting the organization’s key accomplishments and areas of activity.

“Our work in education, training, product development, research, membership development and advocacy was considerable.  We must continue in this vein and challenge ourselves to do even more in 2013” states Bowe.

He outlined a number of priorities for the tourism industry, now and into the future.  These include:

(1) maintaining global standards of customer service;

(2) continuing to strategically use the airfare incentive program to drive business;

(3) building on the success of exciting and popular special events;

(4) appealing to niche markets;

(5) completing major infrastructural developments;

(6) continuing to aggressively expand airlift; and

(7) reducing high energy and operating costs without compromising service.

Minister Wilchcombe commended the organization on its 60th anniversary milestone.  “Your 60th Anniversary is cause for greater appreciation of the BTHA, and its critical role in the development of our industry and nation.  It’s also an opportunity to look ahead for new opportunities.  We must challenge ourselves to be the best.  Are we going to worry about the competition or are we going to have the competition worry about us”, he added.

President Bowe indicated that a 5 -year strategic plan will be developed in the coming months to guide the organization’s activities in 2013 and beyond.  “We will engage all stakeholders through conversation and a survey to assess the present situation, and establish achievable goals that are measureable and contribute to the advancement of our industry” he stated.