• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

BHA 60th Annual General Meeting


  • Election of President, Senior Vice President, and Treasurer
  • Ratification of Vice Presidents for:  Nassau-Paradise Island; the Out Islands; Grand Bahama; and Allied Members
  • Ratification of Directors
  • Consideration of a Proposed Amendment to Article 19 re Term Limits as follows:
  • Article 19 – Addition of new subsection #(14) to read as follows:
  • (14)  Notwithstanding the term limit for the office of President indicated in Sections 19(10) and 19(11), and recognizing that from time to time special circumstances may warrant consideration by the members of an extension of the President’s term beyond the present limit of two consecutive years, members may elect to extend the term of President for an additional period not to exceed two years.
  • Financial Matters
  • 2012 Activity Reports
  • Recognition of 2012 Cacique Finalists for BHA Award Categories
  • Invited Guest Presenter:  The Hon. Obie Wilchcombe, MP, Ministry of Tourism

Members who are unable to attend are encouraged to submit a Proxy (Contact the BHA).  A Call for Nominations for general operator and allied member categories as well as specific classifications for allied members and Promotion Board representation will be sent to members separately.

#2. Save the Date: 60th Anniversary Celebration Ball, Friday, November 30th, 2012 @ Atlantis

Ticket information and details to be sent this week.  The Right Hon Perry G. Christie, MP, Prime Minister, is scheduled to join us.