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COB And BHA Launch Skills Training Courses To Prepare For Future Growth In Tourism

The first two courses in the series focus on the food and beverage areas, where industry anticipates the greatest need for filling entry-level positions.  These include a course on Basic Culinary and a second course on Banqueting: Waiter/Waitress training.   

The courses are designed to appeal to recent high school graduates who are not presently attending post-secondary institutions, the unemployed, as well as individuals who wish to move into a different career path.
BHA President Stuart Bowe states “Knowing the opportunities available in the next two years as the hotels, casinos and convention facilities near completion at the Baha Mar project; we believe that individuals, who prepare themselves for the job opportunities by successfully completing the courses and possess the right attitudes will do well.  Individuals who successfully complete the courses will be more competitive for tourism jobs.”
Several additional courses are being developed at this time and expected to be added to the program early next year.   The industry partners anticipate running a number of courses concurrently next year throughout the year, and adding more later in 2013 and early 2014.   

The courses are part of a broader effort between the public and private sectors to develop a more competitive workforce.  This includes initiatives which are underway in the public and private schools, in individual companies inclusive of Atlantis and Baha Mar, and by BHA, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Tourism, the College, BTVI and others.

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