• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

BHA Annual General Meeting Forms and Info

►Special Presentations on Exciting New Database Tools Available to Members

►Update on Lynden Pindling International Airport Improvements by NAD CEO Stewart Steeves

►Presentation by Sen. The Hon. Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace, Minister of Tourism and Aviation

Please confirm attendance via email reply or by calling 322-8381.  If unable to attend, please complete and return the proxy form (78kb PDF).
BHA AGM Luncheon:
Immediately following AGM at 12 noon at Wyndham

Keynote Speaker:  The Right Honourable Hubert A. Ingraham

Prime Minister, Commonwealth of The Bahamas

Reservations are Required.   If you’ve not yet reserved, please do so now by completing and returning the luncheon registration form (475kb PDF).   Deadline for lunch reservations is Wednesday, Nov 30th.
Annual Silent Auction:
The Auction rolls out to ‘Members and Special Guests Only’ on Friday at the AGM Luncheon.  You can lock-in your guaranteed bid then.  On midnight, December 5th, the Auction then goes online for two weeks of bidding.  Best to take advantage of the ‘Members Only’ bidding this Friday.  Many exciting prizes. 

If you’ve still not donated, please do so.  Donation Form (315kb PDF)