• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

Bahamas Hotels Anticipate Strong Season Ahead

“We expect occupancies and rates to be slightly better over the September to December period than in 2010.

“It remains to be seen how we will fare with total arrivals and occupied room nights this September and October. While there will be some impact from the closing of Sandals and Breezes, this is somewhat countered by the Wyndham and Beach Towers at Atlantis remaining open, which were closed part of the time last year.”

Emphasising that the Bahamian hotel and tourism industry’s investment in the Latin America market, and expanding visitor numbers from this region, was for the long-term, Mr Bowe added: “Copa Airlines continues to perform well for the industry.

“The Latin American market must be viewed strategically, and our investment in it must be for the long-haul. That’s why we are placing considerable emphasis on not just marketing to the Latin American countries, but also in improving the Spanish-speaking skills of our people and adapting to the cultural differences and customer expectations in the Latin American market.”

The Tribune