• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

13th Annual BHA Golf Tournament

BHA has significantly stepped up its education and training activities in recent years.  This investment in our industry’s future is possible because of the support we receive from the business community.

Please consider sponsoring the event.  As a sponsor, you will receive promotional exposure on the golf course, credit in news releases and in all media coverage of the event and all of our members will be kept abreast of this year’s supporters.
We encourage you to also field a company team at the tournament.  Certain sponsorship levels include registration or you may elect to register separately.  BHA’s tournament has gained a reputation over the past thirteen years as a fun outing for golfers at all levels and for the many fine prizes which are awarded to the players.
We do hope that you are able to provide some level of support for the tournament either sponsorship, gift, or by registering to play a round that day with industry colleagues. 

Download the Registration Form and Sponsorship information. 

For more information please contact Charlotte Knowles-Thompson at 322-8381.