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Students from Central Andros High School's hospitality program

Andros Students Learn From Nassau Hotel Experience

“We were pleased to be able to support the students, as they seek to better understand our industry, the range of opportunities it offers, and what it takes for them to enter into it and succeed.  I want to applaud Gailey Williams for leading this initiative at the school and helping students to be better prepared to enter our industry” states Bahamas Hotel Association (BHA) President Stuart Bowe.

START, (the Skills, Tasks, and Results Training Program) has been incorporated in the high school hospitality studies program as a pilot at Central Andros High School and Anatol Rogers Senior High. BHA and the Ministry of Education are considering incorporating it into a broader tourism and hospitality studies initiative for the high schools which they are presently developing.

Developed by the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute, START is a one-year or 180 classroom hour curriculum that gives students the real-world knowledge and skills needed for a long-term career in the lodging industry.  It provides specific skills and knowledge leading to professional certification by high school students.  Industry and educators have touted its success in preparing students for entry-level lodging positions, promoting confidence and positive work ethics, and providing for a smooth transition to higher-level hospitality coursework.

Leading the program at Central Andros High School is Gailey Williams, the school’s hospitality and tourism instructor.  Prior to participating in the program, he achieved certification by AHLEI and also participated in the Bahamas Hotel Association’s summer educator internship program and engaged in a number of other initiatives with industry and the Ministry of Tourism.


BHA President and Kerzner International Senior Vice President Stuart Bowe and Central Andros High School Hospitality and Tourism Instructor Gailey Williams pause with students, employees and school officials during a tour of the Atlantis facilities to expose students to the industry.