• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

Bahamasair To Restructure

Currently is runs five 50 seat Dash 8 turbo props and two 120 seta Boeing 737-200s though all are some years old now.

It is understand the fleet talks have become the primary focus for Bahamasair as they are key to its ability to improve airlift. As previously reported the airline has a real desire to contribute to the tourism push to serve the Family Islands better.

On the table for discussion is what is the optimum number for the fleet and whether extra aircraft are needed as well as the possibility of replacing existing stock.

Once this matter has been resolved Bahamasair can then begin looking at increasing frequency of flights on existing services plus expanding onto more routes.

Cuba, the Southern United States and extra routes in Caribbean, such as Providenciales, are included on that wish list.

Source: The Nassau Guardian