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Best Practices for Safeguarding Sea Turtle Nesting Beaches

The objective of the writers was to provide the hospitality sector with a greater awareness of what can be done, within an EMS context, to control the environmental impact of its activities as far as sea turtles and their nesting beaches are concerned, and to provide a framework for a more holistic and strategic approach to sea turtle conservation.

Throughout the text the manual emphasizes the positive role that the hospitality and tourism sector can play in biodiversity conservation by demonstrating ways in which the industry can help protect endangered sea turtles through more careful stewardship of nearby nesting beaches.  Some recommendations, such as construction setbacks, require considerable foresight; others, such as moving sunbeds and other potential obstacles to nesting, directing lights away from the beach, or rescuing disoriented hatchlings, can be adopted at any time.  The hope, of course, is that the manual will inspire managers to adopt and implement their Sea Turtle Policy Statement, collaborate with local experts, communicate relevant information to guests, staff and contractors, and start taking steps, however small, to promote the survival of Caribbean sea turtles.

For more information you can download this pdf document on Safeguarding Sea Turtles.