• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

BNT and Partners First Annual Student Environmental Camp

Over twenty Bahamian students will be participating in the first Bahamas Environmental Youth Program, a week-long camp being held in Andros later this month, organized by the Bahamas National Trust with support from the Andros Nature Conservancy and Trust, the Bahamas Hotel Association, the Ministry of Tourism’s Coastal Awareness Committee, and The Bahamas Reef Environment Education Foundation in cooperation with contributing corporate partners.
The program will immerse students between 13 and 15 years in a range of activities and experiences aimed at helping them to better understand and appreciate the natural history and ecology of Bahamian land and sea ecosystems.  It is hoped that they will become advocates for conservation issues, environmental stewardship and sustainable living practices while broadening their knowledge of natural resource management strategies, environmental careers, and the interplay between tourism and the environment.

BNT Environmental Youth Camp In-kind donations request
Equipment and supplies are needed. If you would like to donate please view the request list.