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Energy Efficiency Management

Forum Provided Businesses with Practical and Proven Solutions to Reducing Energy Costs
Even for the seasoned business person who thought they were doing everything possible to reduce their power and water bills, the recent forum was an eye-opener.  While you may have been unable to attend the forum put on by BHA and the Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Inter-American Development Bank, the US Embassy and Ministry of Environment,  we want to share with you key presentations from the expert line-up of presenters.  

Descriptions and links to the forum presentations are below:  

“Don’t Be Left in The Dark: The Changing Lighting Industry Will Impact those Unprepared”,
By Lara Cordell, Wiedenbach- Brown Co, Inc.

You think you are saving money on lighting?  Take a look at this presentation and you’ll learn otherwise.  As the lighting world evolves, manufacturers are now discovering new, innovative ways to provide light by replacing the standard household lamps with energy efficient halogen lamps and emphasis on LED bulbs. By 2014, most General Service Incandescent Lamps along with Fluorescent Lamps will be obsolete providing the consumer with the opportunity to save energy with a quick return on investment.  To view the detailed presentation visit:
Don’t Be Left in the Dark

“Improving Building Performance”
Tim Cordell, Eaton Energy Solutions Group

This is a basic primer for households and businesses, breaking down consumption information and providing practical tips for understanding how to reduce costs through mechanical, electrical and plumbing applications.  To view the presentation visit:
Improving Building Performance

“Best Practices in Commercial Energy Efficiency”
William Walsh, NALCO Company

Air conditioning and air quality control systems consume huge amounts of energy.  A well-maintained system reduces costs considerably and prolongs the life of equipment.  Nalco is the world leader in water treatment and process improvement applications, providing services, chemicals and equipment to industrial and institutional customers.   This presentation looks at the entire system and offers step by step advice on practical applications and maintenance procedures which should be in place to remove heat & humidity from air, control temperature & humidity in air, keep the air environment safe from harmful contaminants, and efficiently work you chilled and cooling water systems.  To view the presentation visit:
Best Practices in Commercial Energy Efficiency

“Ecotechnologies:  Short-Term and Renewable Practices in Commercial Energy Efficiency”
Peter Laughlin , Ecotechnologies

Ecotechnologies introduces Tempzon, an advanced energy management system for hotels, which provides a simple wireless application for controlling room costs by managing temperature, lighting and other consumption costs.  The company also provides an overview of solar and wind applications which they have put in place in Florida and the region.  Payback guidelines are provided for these and the room energy management system.  To view the presentation visit: Ecotechnologies Practices in Commercial Energy Efficiency

“Practical Steps to Saving Energy”
Robert Hall, Bahamas Electricity Corporation; Kevan Dean, Kerzner International; Guilden Gilbert, Alternate Power Solutions

An A-Z presentation which takes the home owner or renter through all the fundamentals, helping them to understand a range of practical measures which should be undertaken to reduce your monthly electric bill.  To view go to: 
Practical Steps to Saving Energy

“Vision for a Green Bahamas”
Michael Mushaty, Bloom Energy

Bloom Energy’s goal is to make clean, reliable energy affordable for everyone. With energy cost on the rise, and 1 of 3 humans living without electricity, Bloom Energy has found ways to provide more from less, creating savings of .15-.30 cents per kWh.  Learn more about this innovative approach to on-site production which leading Fortune 500 level corporations are embracing and putting into place in their facilities.  To view their presentation visit:
Vision for a Green Bahamas   

“Seawater District Cooling:  Air Conditioning that is Environmentally Friendly and Saves Money”
Dr. Steve Oney, Ocean Thermal Energy Corporation

Seawater District Cooling has the capacity to reduce the consumption of electricity for cooling by deriving chilling capacity from the virtually unlimited natural resource of deep ocean/lake water rather than from an electric chiller. OTEC is working with BEC and also the Bahamar project to provide SDC that will cut back cost at nearly 25% when compared to HVAC systems. SDC is the new energy efficient trend in air conditioning in the tourism industry.  Their application should be considered by hotels with more than 400 rooms which are located next to the water.  To view their presentation visit:
Seawater District Cooling 

“Improving Building Performance”
Sonia Brown, Graphite Engineering

With a consumer focus, which has application for businesses, the presentation takes a look at building basics such as roofs, sealing, shading, insulation as practical measures which can be adapted or put in place to save energy costs.  To view the presentation visit:
Improving Building Performance

“Financing Your Savings and Efficiencies”
Gregory Watson, Inter-American Development Bank- MIF

Climate change is beginning to significantly impact economic development in the Latin America and Caribbean regions due to floods, droughts, melting glaciers and severe storms. With 85 million people in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) using inefficient, dirty, and dangerous sources of energy, increasing incentives to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency has become a norm in those regions. Hence, the IDB’s Multilateral Investment Fund is committed to rigorously measuring and evaluating results and impact, and to disseminating knowledge generated by its projects so that the most promising solutions are shared, replicated, and brought to scale.  The presentation provides an overview of some of the initiatives which IDB is supporting with businesses by providing technical assistance and financing for renewable initiatives.  By reviewing this, businesses will be in a better position to know whether they might undertake similar initiatives with IDB support and can visit the IDB website for detailed information on the technical and financing programs which are available.  To view the presentation visit:
Multilateral Investment Fund

“Financing Your Savings and Energy Efficiencies”
Denise Kutsch,  Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC
The role OPIC is to mobilize private capital to help solve critical development challenges and in doing so, advance U.S. foreign policy. Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency has become a main priority of OPIC which is why they have moved towards direct loans to hotels, implementing energy improvements, and also facility loans which will provide financing for many small energy efficiency projects that could be undertaken more expeditiously at the company level.  Overview of their financial program is provided along with contact information.  To view the presentation visit:
OPIC- Financing Your Savings and Efficiencies

Additional Energy-Saving Tips & Fact Sheets

Windows & Doors – A Primer

Solar Photovoltaics – Primer

Powering Tourism USAID Report

Heating – Solar water heater – Hotel Motel – India

Energy Efficient Thermostats & Controls

Energy Efficient Pumps

Energy Efficient Motors – Technical Brief

Energy Efficiency Measures – Commercial – Lights – Compact Fluorescent Light

Caribbean Energy Efficiency-Savings Info for Hotels-Business-Residences

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