• Phone(242) 605-8126
  • Address209 Marina Lane, Sandyport
  • Open HoursP.O. Box N-7799 | Nassau, The Bahamas

Hotel Industry Legislation

The Bahamas Hotel Association serves as a clearing-house for legislation of interest to the industry. BHA also reviews pending legislation, often providing comment to Government or partner organizations from the private sector.

Members are advised to be familiar with all relevant legislation. Following is a listing of key legislation which is available to members upon request:

Bahamas Vacation Plan & Time Sharing Act
Provides guidelines for the creation and management of timeshare projects and encourages growth of the industry by offering incentives to developers for construction and renovation. Also provides protection for timeshare purchasers.

Boat Registration Act
Provides for the registration and inspection of boats.

Business Licenses Bill 2010
An Act relating to the issuance and assessment, approval of business names, offenses, penalties and power etc.

Casino Taxation Act
This Act sets a basic tax and a winnings tax and provides for authority of inspection and collection.

City of Nassau Revitalization Act 2008
An act to encourage the revitalization of Nassau

Employment Act
Adopted in 2001, the Act addresses requirements for standard hours of work, overtime, sick leave, vacation leave, maternity and family leave, redundancy, termination and dismissal.

Environmental Health Services Act
The Act prohibits the deposit, addition, emission or discharge into the environment of any contaminant or pollutant. A certificate of approval is required for the installation, construction, alteration, extension, production or replacement of any plant, structure, equipment, apparatus or mechanism which might emit or discharge any contaminant or pollutant. The Act also addresses food sanitation and disposal issues.

Family Island Development Encouragement Act

An act to grant certain import concessions to the Family Islands to encourage development

Fair Labor Standards

Chapter 295 Fair Labor Standards

Hotels Act- Mark-Up & Levy Information
This act creates the Hotel Licensing Board which licenses hotels, provides for minimum standards, and regulates the industry. The Licensing Board has the power to impose and collect hotel guest tax. It is also the authority for the imposition of a resort levy secured on behalf of the Promotion Boards.

Hotels Encouragement Act
This act was designed to encourage the construction of hotels by providing for the exemption/refund of certain customs duties and certain taxation.

Health and Safety at Work Act 2002

An act to make provisions relating to health and and safety at work

Hotel’s ActAn act to make provision for the licensing of, and the regulation and improvement of standards in hotels for the imposition of a hotel guest tax, and for matters connected

Hotel’s Encouragement Act Concessions

Chapter 263- Laws concerning refunds from customs and other concessions

Hotels Keepers Act
Outlines hotel and guest responsibility and liability regarding guest property and safety.

Immigration Act
Provides machinery for employment of persons who are not Bahamians or permanent residents and is an instrument of the Government’s Bahamianization policy.

Liquor Licence Act
Established by the Licencing Authority for the granting and transfer of licences. Hotels and restaurants serving alcoholic beverages are required to be licenced.

Lotteries & Gaming Act
Provides for a licence for premises carrying on the business of gaming and for the management of the same. The Gaming Board for The Bahamas is established under this Act.

Marine Parts Tariff (Amendment) Act,2009

Amends the first schedule to the principle act.

Minimum Wages Act 2002

An act to make provisions for minimum wage for the employed.

Music & Dancing Act
All hotels are required to have music and dancing licenses if they provide entertainment.

National Insurance Act

Requires the obligatory coverage of all employed and self-employed persons by payment of contributions to the Board. The act also establishes a system of payments in respect of sickness, maternity, retirement, death, industrial injury, medical care and social assistance for insured and other persons.

Provision of the Employment Act

Document provides a laymans overview of the provisions of the act.

Public Holidays Act
Describes public holidays and permissible business openings, excluding hotels and restaurants.

Real Property Tax Act
Describes taxation levels and exemptions (including exemptions for hotels with agreements under the Hotels Encouragement Act).

Tariff Book

This book has the breakdown of specific items found under distinct sub-titles to ease one’s search.

Tariff Schedule

Tariff Act Amendment Bill for 2010

Town Planning Act

Water skiing and Motorboat Control Act

An act for the more effective control of water skiing and driving of motor boats in coastal waters.

Weights and Measurement Act

An act relating to the weight and measurement of equipment

For additional information or copies of the legislation please contact us at 322-8381 or bha@bahamashotels.org